Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Aug 09 2023 - Aug 12 2023
- Time: 21:00 - 04:00
14th Korea international EDUCATION WEEK (EDU PLUS WEEK 2023)
2023 EDU+WEEK(2023 Korea int’l Education Week for Technologies and Contents) consists of the categories of EduTech Show, Edu Content Fair, Elementary Education Fair, and Lifelong Education Expo.
The following conferences operate: Global EduTech Conference, Education Seminar, Education Workshop, Teachers Training Session.
The EDU+ WEEK features programs such as Business networking, Trade meeting, Awards, New product pavilion, and Live commerce.
EDU+, an exhibition brand, means adding technology to education, passion to education, and love to education.
Let’s meet at EDU+ WEEK for global cooperation.
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