Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Sep 12 2018 - Sep 15 2018
- Time: 21:00 - 05:00
e-Learning Korea 2018 : EDUTECH Fair
Following the 4th Industrial Revolution’s Educational Market change and Technology Innovation, e-Learning Korea 2018 : EDUTECH FAIR will proceed by encompassing the whole ICT Educational Technology Market, under the theme of “e-Learning, a new leap to the EDUTECH”. In addition, Sponsored by Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Education in Korea, A great visit by Principals, Teachers, Faculties will be made with workshop of major topics of various issues such as SW/VR/Coding/Maker etc, resulting in the expansion of participation by students and school-parents.
Metropolitan and Provincial Offices of Eudcation, National Institue for Lifelong Education, Korea Council of Open University, EBD Dong-A Media, The Electronic Times
The 14th e-Learning Excellent Enterprise Contest, Future-Class Demonstration, e-Learning & EDUTECH Start-up Business Model Contest, SW/Coding/Maker School, The 8th e-Learning CLUB, ACU e-Learning International Conference, LASI-KOREA & EDUTECH Special Pavilion, 2018 ICT4ED Working Group Conference,
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