Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Aug 16 2017 - Aug 19 2017
- Time: 19:00 - 05:00
Halal Trade Expo Korea 2017
“Entering the Halal market will give important opportunites to companies in the industries such as agro-fishery food, raw material medicine, cosmetics, Muslim-friendly tourism investment & finance, medical servise, as well as to young job seekers.”
- Cosmetic Fashion Housewares Tourism, Natural Foods, Beverages, Processed Foods, Nutraceutical Foods, Functional Foods,Food Ingredients, Raw Medicines, Food tech, Color Cosmetics, Skin Care, Health Care, Perfume, Spa&Bath,Modernized clothes including Hijab, Abaya, Hanbok, Textile, Accessories,Baby products, Kitchen supplies, Hygienic goods, Sightseeing products available in Korea, Middle East, Southeast Asia
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