Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Mar 21 2018 - Mar 24 2018
- Time: 21:00 - 04:00
Hotel Fair is the sole hotel industry business in Korea which covers the whole hotel industry including hotels, resorts, residences, pensions, and guesthouses.
It is the greatest place for marketing. From hotel development to management, to the field of education academy, more than 90% of participating companies and visitors contribute as industry workers to collaborate in various forms such as information exchange and business alliance between companies, and advertisement activities.
The Korea Hotel Professional Management Association, Seoul Tourism Association, Business Hotel Forum, The Society of Golden Keys Korea, Les Clefs d‘Or Korea, Korean Chef’s Club, Chef Table, The Korean Cooks Federation, SKAL Club, Seoul Hospitality Manager’s Club
- Development & Consulting, Furniture Fixtures & Equipment(FF&E)
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