Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Oct 10 2017 - Oct 13 2017
- Time: 21:00 - 04:00

International Advanced Materials and Application Technology Expo 2017
This exhibition is a business exhibition about new ceramic and advanced materials (metal, carbon , composite materials, chemistry, energy, nano, weight lightening , WPM, high functioning material, surface, coating). Korea Ceramic Conference is going to be held at the same time. (40 professional conferences, 1000 research papers and 600 technology posters will be exhibited.)
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology, Gangwon Techno Park, Gyeongnam Techno Park, Jeonnam Techno Park, Union of Ceramic in Korea, Union of textile and ceramic industry in Korea, Union of cargo industry in Korea, Union of grinding industry in Korea, Union of high-pressure gas industry in Korea, Union of hydrogen industry in Korea, Union of special gas industry in Korea, Union of glass industry in Korea, Yeongwol pure material industry development center
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