Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jun 27 2023 - Jun 30 2023
- Time: 21:00 - 04:00

Land, Infrastructure and Transport Technology Fair 2023 (LITT 2023)
““Taking a New Leap Together”
Hosted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation and organized by the Korea Agency for Infrastructure Technology Advancement, the Land, Infrastructure and Transportation Technology Fair offers a chance to learn more about land and transportation technology with exhibitions on success cases of Land and Transportation R&D as well as firsthand experiences.
Under this year’s theme of ‘Taking a New Leap Together’ celebrating the 20th anniversary of Land and Transportation R&D, the fair will serve as a platform to explore the past, present, and future of Land and Transportation R&D and to share visions ahead. Customized business programs will facilitate turning technology into a business opportunity, enabling companies to promote their businesses and technologies. “
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