Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: May 09 2017 - May 12 2017
- Time: 21:00 - 04:00

Seoul Int’l Seafood Show 2017
The Seoul Int’l Seafood Show 2017 covers all kinds of safety-guaranteed, quality fishery products. The show will highlight the cutting-edge products and technology for the seafood industry including fishery products, processed products and related equipment. To attract the influential foreign buyers and visitors, the Seoul Int’l Seafood Show Secretariat is prepared to offer all kinds of support. We expect to have many industry leading companies and professionals at our show, which will contribute to the fishery product industry in Korea. Please feel free to contact us if you want further information or have any questions. Thank you very much for your cooperation in advance.
- Seafood -Seasonings & Food additives -Food processing machinery and related equipment -Packaging and physical distribution equipment and service -Refrigerators, Freezers, Thawing machines, Related equipment and technology -HACCP supporting machinery, services and food sanitation -Fishery, nursery and aquaculture technologies, feed for aquaculture
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