Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 20 2021 - Jul 23 2021
- Time: 21:00 - 04:00
Smart GEO Expo 2021
Asia’s biggest geospatial information technology exchange expo, Smart GEO Expo 2021 is happening on July 21 to 23 in Seoul,
Korea On/Offline Hybrid!
Smart GEO Expo 2021 celebrates its 13th with a slogan
“Digital Twin, Design the Smarter Future”.
We are ready to show new technologies of geospatial information and convergence to other industries.
Experience our business matching system to meet people from various fields worldwide
We invite you to the On/Offline Hybrid Exhibition. Experience the limitless potential and the cutting-edge trends of the geospatial information industry with Smart GEO Expo 2021!
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