Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Apr 25 2019 - Apr 28 2019
- Time: 22:00 - 06:00
The 3rd Seoul International Art Expo : SEOUL ART EXPO
2019 SAE will provide a variety of events that can be used to convey the story of our art market expansion, special exhibitions, diverse events with stories from each floor of society, and high-quality planning exhibitions and projects that can become the voices of the current art market. I want to create trends in art market in the future. SAE hopes to convey a small echo to the Korean art market as well as the Northeast Asian art market with a more progressive thought. You will be looking for the ‘now and next art market’ and you will find your emotional self through various art programs. I would like to join you at the Seoul Art Expo, where beauty and dreams spread out as art.
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