Local Time
- Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
- Date: Mar 14 2018 - Mar 18 2018
- Time: 18:00 - 02:00

34th Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show
KIMES provides you with the opportunity to identify and confirm the great potential and prospect of the future medical industry as well as the latest medical industry trend as a venue where 1,200 domestic and overseas manufacturers show the new technology and new products. It will become the venue for the communication to present that latest medical information and technology to keep up with the fast developing medical market.
Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy / Ministry of Health and Welfare / Ministry of Food and Drug Safety
- Consultation & Diagnosis Equipment, Clinical Examination Equipment, Radiology Equipment, Surgical Apparatus & Equipment, Cure Apparatus & Equipment, Physiotherapy Apparatus, Ophthalmic Apparatus, Dental Apparatus, Central Supply Equipment, Hospital Facilities & Emergency Equipment, Medical Information System, Oriental Medicine & Equipment, Pharmaceutical Equipment, Cosmetic Cure & Healthcare Equipment, Medical Device Components & Service, Disposable Apparatus
Please give me more information about medical exhition
Hi James,
Please note that this event is hosted at our center but not organized by us. For further inquiries, please visit the official website of the Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show or contact the event organizers directly for the most accurate information about this event.