Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 16 2019 - Jul 19 2019
- Time: 21:00 - 05:00
AI Expo Korea
AI EXPO KOREA aims to contribute to the development of the related industry by sharing information of domestic related companies, associations and organizations, introducing the latest technology in the domestic market, and providing an exhibition space for marketing.
Please how do our company register for the AI Expo Korea,since we are international visitor coming from outside South Korea.How do we get our visitor badge for the event entrance
Hi Peter,
For information about the AI Expo Korea including information on how to register, please visit the event’s official website: http://www.aiexpo.co.kr/
If you have additional questions related to this event, please contact the event organizers directly as Coex is the hosting center of this event but not the event organizers.
Thank you,