Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: May 08 2019 - May 11 2019
- Time: 21:00 - 05:00

Upcoming “COSMOBEAUTY SEOUL 2019” will be held in May, 2019 at COEX A Hall, Seoul, Korea, to present the latest trend of cosmetics and technologies in beauty industry. It will provide the best market place for all experts to gather and share latest information!
“COSMOBEAUTY SEOUL 2019,” holding approximately 400 companies with 550 booths, promises to be a partner of your successful business and play a significant role as a bridge for small, and midium-sized enterprises to enter the global market.
I would like to register for this event.
Hello Neeti,
Please find the registration information on the event’s official website: https://www.cosmobeautyseoul.com/fairDash.do
For additional questions about the event, please contact the event organizers directly.
Thank you,