Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Oct 02 2019 - Oct 05 2019
- Time: 21:00 - 05:00

IFS – Int’l Franchise Show in Seoul 2019 Autumn
IFS is the largest international franchise show in Korea that is hosted by industry-leading association, KFA and organized by the best domestic exhibition organizer, Coex, and the biggest global exhibition organizer, Reed exhibitions. This collaboration will provide the most successful promotion opportunity to the headquarters of franchise with the know-how of attracting prospective franchisees and powerful awareness accumulated during 48 times of shows. |
Good day! We are interested on your upcoming conference happening on October 3, 2019- October 5, 2019. We would like to know if your company is giving an invitation letter and copy of business permit so we can process our documents in going to Korea.
We will be waiting for your reply! Thank you!
Hi Colline,
Please visit the event’s official website for information on how to participate.
Please let me know how i can by a ticket at the web site for the coming Events : 3.10 -5.10.19 and 8.10 – 11.10.19
Hi Laks,
Please visit the event’s official website for information on how to purchase tickets for the show.