Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 24 2019 - Jul 28 2019
- Time: 22:00 - 05:00

Seoul Illustration Fair vol.7
The Seoul Illustration Fair is an professional exhibition in illustration field of south Korea. Exhibitors can promote and sell their artworks through the fair and have chances to communicate with other professionals/artists and the public which will be a great opportunity to expand their activity area. For visitors, they can enjoy and even purchase many fine illustrations and graphic designs in the fair. The Seoul Illustration Fair is held every year in July and December. About 700 artists are participating in the Seoul Illustration Fair vol.7
How can we purchase tickets for the exhibition?
Hi Ash,
Please find information on how to purchase tickets via the official exhibition website: http://seoulillustrationfair.co.kr/english
If you have additional questions related to this event, please contact the event organizers.