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  • Timezone: Europe/Berlin
  • Date: Nov 27 2019 - Nov 30 2019
  • Time: 02:00 - 09:00


Hall C1, C2

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Nov 27 2019 - Nov 30 2019


Last Day 10:00 ~ 15:00
10:00 AM



Seoul International Invention Fair 2019

As the largest annual invention fair in Asia, SIIF 2019 is organized to market and to promote inventions. SIIF 2019 is a 4-day event where inventors and researchers showcase new ideas and products to manufacturers, investors, distributors, licensing firms and general public.

4 Comments to “ Seoul International Invention Fair 2019”

  1. Rakesh Kumar says :

    Good Morning
    I Am Interesting To Attend This Event Can You Tell Me How I Can Invitation For This Event

    1. coexseoul says :

      Visit the official event’s website on how to participate.


  2. Chun Ming Lau says :

    Good evening
    I will come from Hong Kong , I would to attend the Invention exhibition,
    please registered my name accordingly.

    1. coexseoul says :

      Hi Chun Ming Lau,

      Thank you for your interest in an event hosted at our center. Please visit the event’s official website for information on how to register. Please direct any further questions related to the Seoul International Invention Fair to the event organizers.

      Thank you,

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