Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Feb 20 2019 - Feb 24 2019
- Time: 20:00 - 04:00
The 35th BeFe BABYFAIR
BeFe BABYFAIR is the biggest exhibition of baby & maternity industry in Korea. We not only introduce various brands from all around the world to visitors, but also offer valuable business opportunities to exhibitors through various platform.
Good afternoon,
I would like to attend this fair, is there any possibility to pre-register?
Or would you mind checking if seul@comercio.mineco.es is already registered?
Thank you in advance.
Hi Cristina,
For all registration inquiries for the BeFe Babyfair, please contact the event organizers. You can find additional information through the event’s homepage: https://www.befe.co.kr/exhibition/fairInfo3_en.befe?lang=en